Manual Frame-Type Watering Sprinkler

Manual frame-type watering sprinkler is designed to irrigate mushroom compost on standard growing shelvings. The frame of device is made of acid-resistant steel and is movable along top and bottom lorry rails. Additionally the frame is equipped with transportation wheels. Irrigation is performed by means of steel branches installed to a rotary spraying lance which number is applied according to customer’s demands. A spraying lance is adjusted relative to amount of casing on a shelving bed. Each branch is equipped with 5 specially calibrated nozzles.

  • Irrigation width – 1,5m,
  • Steady irrigation of the whole bed width up to 1500mm so long as regular move speed is maintained,
  • The number of steel branches is selected according to the number of shelving beds,
  • Top transporation wheels are adjusted to individual customer demands considering the shape of top lorrie rail,


  • Frame and spraying lance are made of acid-proof steel,
  • Mechanical water meter,
  • Additionally available: a proportional dispenser equipped with a 2L tank,
  • Double-side sprinkler for water as well as industrial installations in a facility (including 10 and 12-branches) is available.
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