Manual Picking Lorry

Mushroom picking lorry with a liftable platform allows for mushroom picking from every shelving bed. The lorry features a working platform with smooth adjustment of its working height.

  • Simple and smooth working height adjustment, with manual lifting mechanism (no third party assistance is needed),
  • Stainless steel bearings in upper wheels,
  • Made of aluminium,
  • Simple adjustment od side table height,
  • Easy to handle platform entrance – hinged door,
  • A safety catch protecting against uncontrolled lowering of teh working platform,
  • Load capacity: up to 120kg,
  • Available options: side ladder, seat for mushroom picking, side transportation castors, platform extension for empty crates, a brake locking the lorry along shelving, a holder for bucket, additional tray for the 3rd crate, left side entrance instead of front entrance.
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