Mushroom calibrator KDG-800/3
The unit is dedicated to mushroom sorting. It is most successful once applied to “Golden Chanterelle” or “Girolle” wild mushrooms. The unit’s flexibility and efficiency while maintaining a high quality of the end product are only few of the advantages incorporated in Mushroom Calibrator KDG-800/3.
The complete unit consists of the following sub-assembly:
- Supporting Frame welded from closed profiles and bent steel sheets,
- 3 work modules each consisting of various gage perforations,
- 3 receiving conveyor units (left or right side configuration),
- Rotating drums and rollers,
- Material Inlet and final chute,
- Sprockets,
- Fully Automated unit with control cabinet,
- Side frames and safety covers.
Principle of operation
The modular method allows for the expansion of the unit depending on customer requirements. Varieties of sizes are obtained by transporting the product along the belt with variable gage holes. At the beginning, the gage holes are of the smallest size, and, therefore, only certain sized mushrooms drop through them on to the conveyor belt. The belt then feeds the selected size product for further processing. Bigger mushrooms are transferred further along and drop trough bigger gage holes in further modules of the machine. The outsized (biggest) mushrooms are reaching the end chute placed on the final module. To increase calibration precision the mushrooms are travelling along the unit on special “soft brush-fingers”. To achieve the best results it is recommended that the unit is fed evenly and consistently.